If you are interested in becoming a VOLUNTEER at the garden then please email your name and contact details to: membership@wwpcg.org.au
The subject of your email should be:
Your Name – Garden Volunteer Inquiry
Please tell us a little about yourself in your email and let us know if you have particular skills you would like to bring to the garden eg; horticulturalist, carpentry, teaching or general gardening knowledge. Previous gardening experience is not a requirement to become a volunteer as we all learn from each other.
Once your email is received our membership officer will acknowledge receipt and place you on our waiting list for the next orientation session.
Orientation sessions are held in the garden at 85-87 Moana Street Woy Woy on the second Saturday of February and August from 10.00am to 11.30 am
Provisional $15 pa
for the first year
Regular $20 pa
Jan to December the following year/s (conditions apply)
Friend of the Garden $10 pa
Specifically targeted at community members who are time poor but would like to contribute to the garden and/or help out on seasonal clean-up days and garden events.
Garden Working Bees:
Mondays 1pm - 3pm (eastern standard time) 3pm - 5pm (eastern daylight saving time) Thursdays 9am -12 midday 2nd Saturday of each month 9am -12 midday
10am -11am the last Sunday of each month
WWPCG INC – Constitution & Code of Conduct